Client Comments

“It’s a great atmosphere to train in where people get as pumped (or even more) about others successes then they do their own… We’re so lucky! You make a difference, thanks for all your support & patience.” –Alicia


“When you start seeing results you begin to listen – sleep, mobility, eating (rather than dieting), structure in training all made exercise enjoyable (and logical) again. Then at Taekwondo, I fell and compound fractured my left ankle, smashing my fibula. It was serious and I thought I could lose my foot. Here’s where, for me, B32 was the differentiator. Ross Blake developed a rehab program for me and with support from home I learnt how to walk again. Subtle and regular chats about progress, professional guidance on when to push things a little further, all contributed to ditching the crutches 4 to 5 weeks ahead of schedule. B32 works for me… Strength, mobility and speed have all improved. But there’s also a focus on health for life that places emphasis on a structured, meaningful program of exercises that allow you to do what you want to in life – live it to the fullest” –Dave


“I’ve been a remotely-based individual program design client of Ross Blake for the past 6 months and honestly cannot fault Ross and his methodology one bit! I was blown away about how well informed (Ross) is on fitness and could see how passionate he is in coaching and getting the best results from his clients, this aspect to me was very important. Ross is always on hand to answer any questions I have even if they aren’t directly related to my training regime. Results have come in the dozens!

  • Bench press increased by 20kg
  • OHS has nearly doubled – now at 100kg!
  • Split jerk has increased from a shaky 80kg to a confident 100kg
  • Improvements in 500m row time, snatch balance, power snatch
  • 30 wall climbs for time improved from by 5 mins!
  • Back squat is up 15kg!

The results just keep rolling on, and I owe it to Ross and his great programming! It’s been great and I literally can’t wait until I receive my email on Monday with my plan for the week.
If you’re after a coach who listens and understands what is needed to make you a better athlete, I would definitely recommend Ross. I would personally give my word of approval and just show all the results I and all his other clients have had!” – Henry, remote IPD client


“When I met Joelle, my life felt out of control and I was searching for some real change. I was very stressed and fragile. Poor nutrition, lack of sleep and stress had drained my energy levels. I had high cholesterol, low bone density and numerous other weaknesses in my physical body. I had never done anything like this before. I felt weak and out of my depth. I had no understanding of reps and sets… It felt like a different language.
Joelle is always aware of where I am at physically and emotionally and adjusts our session accordingly. Her desire is to help me become the best I can be, and I trust in her ability to know exactly what is right for me. We are on a journey for my benefit and the reward is optimum health for me.
I have reached goals that I never thought were possible both physically and mentally. My confidence has grown. I am stronger, have more energy, have started sleeping better and am more quickly recognisingwhen stress is trying to rob my body of vital energy. I can’t thank Joelle enough for all that she has taught me and for sharing this journey to better health with me.” – Kay


“I have really been getting into the concepts/processes around functional health and training and loved your approach and technical understanding. What a relief to hear people preaching what I have been reading about but which Dr’s do not get.” – Amber


“Recently whilst training with Ross, I mentioned a health issue that had been bugging me for a while. Ross thought it over and suggested I speak to Joelle, B32’s Integrative Health Coach, and get her take on the issue. Having previously attended one of Joelle’s health and nutrition seminars I knew she would take a holistic approach to the problem so I set up a time to chat with her. 
I met with Joelle a few days later and after a thorough consult she recommended a simple but effective approach that was designed to treat the cause and not just the symptoms of my problem. I started the treatment soon after and had great results. The course of action not only resolved the complaint, but also had a number of other positive side effects.
Working with the professionals at B32 on all aspects of my health for the last 12 months has been a great experience and I don’t exaggerate when I say “life changing”. If you’re interested in a holistic approach to tackle a health and well-being issue make some time to set up an appointment with Joelle, you’ll walk away with a fresh perspective on health and knowledge to resolve whatever ails you.”
– Craig

Read Craig’s featured client post here


“Ross has some very special qualities as a trainer and a human being that I value very highly and I place a lot of trust in him. Over the past two

years I have seen him constantly strive to improve his knowledge and understanding of how to help people achieve their training goals. He has had the patience and persistence to work with me through all the emotional ups and downs that have been the hallmark of my training.
Ross gives real meaning to ‘continuous improvement’ and I admire his capacity to be constantly striving for better ways to help people. He can always explain why he wants you to do something- I know that what he asks me to do at training is what I need and is not just drawn from some training template that is based on near enough is good enough. I highly value the skill Ross has with programming.” – Glenda


“My wife and I have been training with Joelle for the past 7 months, during this time we have found that training smarter, not harder has improved all aspects of life. We now have a balanced training schedule and eating habits designed for our needs and busy schedules. I walked into the gym thinking we had good technique but quickly found out that if I had continued I would have had a serious back injury. Joelle came up with customised movements to help me get my back into the correct position – I can now do deadlifts! We have both improved so much.
Joelle is so interested in us as people and our general well being. All sessions are well thought out, based on the fact that my wife and I train together they are designed to accommodate both our needs, while it must be difficult to train both of us together nothing is ever a problem.
Joelle, just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all your help and support… we were so lucky to find you to train us… you’re the best!” – Rob

Read Rob’s From Camels to Kgs article here


“A year ago I weighed 110 kilograms, which at 170cm made me morbidly obese. I had been a type 2 diabetic for eight or nine years, and that was slowly but surely getting worse. Over the years I’d tried to get regular exercise in a number of different ways… None of it stuck.

I’d been assured by a number of doctors that diabetes is a chronic and progressive disease – it gets worse over time, not better… But the diabetes did get better… In my last set of blood tests the results for fasting glucose and insulin read “No evidence of insulin resistance”. It’s now twelve months later and I’ve lost 20 kilos – and dropped four clothes sizes. I can row a kilometre in under four minutes, throw 50 kilos above my head and deadlift 125 kilos on a good day (I do love to lift). I cycle and kayak for fun…I’m going to the gym four times a week and every time it is absolutely the best part of my day.” – Rachel

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